Players still have the option to use regular plundering, which would be the same as the current system.ĭefending army bonuses from buildings and tavern boosts still apply. (We can certainly debate over whether attacker or defender should get those bonuses, and to what degree.) Possibly to add a bit more challenge to double plunder, we could stack more defending army bonuses based on the attacker army's era in a similar way to GE. In the neighborhood bar, selecting the two swords icon will open up a new window that allows one to pick double plundering, or regular plundering, or perhaps we can have a button on the army management to choose whichever one. If the player does not assign troops to the 2nd wave army, or 1st wave army, then 2 spearmen would be used as the opponent's army for the 1st and 2nd waves. The 1st wave defending army is managed by the current darker blue button. In the army management, there should be another button that could be green or light blue that one could select to put troops into the 2nd wave defending army. Players only can plunder once after, and that option only has a one-wave defending army Give an option for players to engage in a more difficult, two-wave defending army battle similar GE against other players, and if they win, they get the ability to plunder twice after the attack. I know that any altering of plundering is on the DNSL, so I'm going to post here and see what you guys think.